Major Devender Pal(D.P) Singh  Stories 

Major Devender Pal Singh was badly wounded while fighting the enemies in the Himalayan battle area. A cannonball exploded near them. He was brought to the nearest military hospital, where he was declared dead.

But that 25-year-old soldier was not ready to die?

When he was taken to the nearest morgue, another doctor noticed that he was still breathing. It is impossible for any normal person to escape after the mortar bomb bursts so close, but Devendra Pal Singh was not a normal person. They were ready to fight against death. 

The blood of Devendrapal Singh was uncovered. The doctors had no option but to cut some insides. He had to cut off one of his legs to save them, but the Major was not ready to die at any cost.

The Major not only lost one of his legs in this accident, but he was surrounded by a variety of physical injuries and problems - his hearing loss was reduced, his stomach was operated on several times.

Today, even after so many years, 40 pieces of the bomb exist in different parts of his body, which could not be removed.

The Major's will and strong intentions saved his life but he now had to learn to live a new life.

He decided that now he would not think about his disability anymore. He acknowledged his weakness as a challenge.

"They will not only walk but they will run."

He remained in the hospital for a year, no one believed that he would ever be able to walk now, but some of Devendra did not accept the life of disability. He decided that -

After being discharged from the hospital, he started walking with Baisakhi. After some time his prosthetic leg was installed. But walking with prosthetic legs was not so easy, Devendra had to suffer terrible pain every day.

When he fell, he stood up with a new enthusiasm but he did not give up.

Devendra used to get up at 3 am every day and start his practice. After a few months of practice, Devenderpal started walking for five kilometers. After some time their hard work paid off and they started running in marathons with their artificial legs.

It is difficult for many people to understand and overcome reality}  But it was a matter of pride for me and my companions who were injured. Because we were injured while protecting our country

Then he came to know about good artificial legs made of fiber blades from South Africa which were more flexible and better for running.

In this way, his running speed gradually increased and he defeated his disability.

After 17 years, today Devendra is a successful Blade Runner of India and his name is 2 World Records. Devendra has participated in many marathon races and even today he does not get tired.

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